Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stupid Republicans

Another day, another Republican caught in a sex scandal. This time it's South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford. This comes a week after Nevada U.S. Senator John Ensign admitted to having an affair with a campaign worker. What really hurts about this is that these were both rising stars in the Republican party that were mentioned as possible presidential candidates for 2012.

I don't know what's left since every Republican seems to be screwing up by doing stupid things. I'm starting to be pretty embarrased about defending this party when they can't seem to do anything right.

So now that Sanford and Ensign's careers are done, who is left to run for President:

Gov. Palin - She's HATED by independants and Democrats so there is no way she would win. She's still my favorite Republican along with with Gov. Pawlenty, but her image has been ruined so badly by now that I don't think she can recover.

Gov. Pawlenty - Might be the favorite now in 2012 since he seems to have a squeaky clean image. Although that could come to a halt any day now just like all these other idiots.

Gov. Jindal - He looked and sounded like an idiot when he gave his response to President Messiah's State of the Union speech. He needs to toughen up if he wants to win.

Gov. Huntsman (Utah) - He decided to accept Messiah's offer of the Chinese ambassadorship. Smart move by Messiah to get him out of the way.

Mitt Romney - Seriously, do we have to have him as our top candidate again???

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