Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Liar, Liar, pants on????

I think it would be fun to play a little game today. Let's dig up all of the facts about 2 BIG "lies". After we dig up all of the facts, we will determine the biggest liar. One whom wants to investigate the other, but can't remember important information about what they were told.

I'm not actually going to bring in any of the evidence at this point because most of it is not readily available, and I'm not 'connected'. However, I would like to compare Bush's "lies" to Pelosi's "lies". Are they both liars? Are neither liars? What's the truth? Do we really care? Does it really matter? Are we all just puppets? Are politicians by definition liars? Can we prevent complete Government intrusion into our lives?

I think all career politicians want power, and they don't care how they get it! Pelosi and Bush both qualify in this, in my opinion. So, maybe the bigger question is, can we get rid of career politicians, and bring the government back into the control of the people??? What would this take? Will we need another Revolution? Would that create anything better, or just something different?

Bottom line, the bigger the government, the bigger the lies, the more waste of OUR money. Get the government, especially Federal, out of my life, Period. No Marriage tax, no Social insecurity, no government sponsored Health care, etc.


Joe Mama said...

To say one party lied and the other party was truthful is laughable and naive. I believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle. We the people want to be represented and the politicians want power. It's give and take. We when government works is when you find a combination that is favorable to both involved.

Julio Jorge Lopez Najera said...

Are you saying I chose sides in this post? I think I said the whole Federal government is a problem, and used an example from each party. Did I write something that I can't read?

Cub Fan, Bud Man said...

Democrats don't lie. Only evil Republicans like Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh do.

Joe Mama said...

Julio...my bad...My post was a general statement to idealogues of both parties. There seems to be a prevailing climate in politics that one side or the other is completely innocent or guilty. That is what I find laughable and naive not your post. You most certainly didn't choose sides and I didn't take it as such.

Julio Jorge Lopez Najera said...

I see, then I agree with you! Thanks for clearing that up.