Wednesday, May 20, 2009

He's Still A Republican?

Colin Powell doesn't like how Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh say he's not a Republican anymore. He said in a speech that he's out of "their version of the Republican party" but there's "another version waiting to emerge."

I have to disagree Mr. Powell. Once you choose to support The Messiah for president you left the Republican party. You picked a person with no foreign policy experience over someone you has a history of foreign policy. You picked The Messiah for one reason, his race. You left the party with that pick and no one wants you back. Good riddance you traitor. If you were truly a Republican you wouldn't have voted for a socialist, far-left liberal who wants the government to take over all aspects of the private sector. Someone who plans on raising everyone's taxes to pay for his socialist agenda. That's not a Republican Mr. Powell and I really hope this "new version" you're talking about doesn't take those views because if that's the case I'll be leaving the Republican party as well for a much more conservative party.

1 comment:

Julio Jorge Lopez Najera said...

"The Governator" is right beside Powell on this one. I can't believe he's surprised his tax hikes failed to pass!